################################################################## # /etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml # # Base configuration for a write heavy cluster
# Force all memory to be locked, forcing the JVM to never swap bootstrap.mlockall: true
## Threadpool Settings ##
# Search pool threadpool.search.type: fixed threadpool.search.size: 20 threadpool.search.queue_size: 100
# Bulk pool threadpool.bulk.type: fixed threadpool.bulk.size: 60 threadpool.bulk.queue_size: 300
# Index pool threadpool.index.type: fixed threadpool.index.size: 20 threadpool.index.queue_size: 100
# Indices settings indices.memory.index_buffer_size: 30% indices.memory.min_shard_index_buffer_size: 12mb indices.memory.min_index_buffer_size: 96mb