ImportError: No module named MySQLdb
You can find binary installers here (Python 2.6-3.2), here (2.7) or here (2.6). Note that you don’t have to use 64bit Python on Windows x64. You can just as well use a 32bit build of Python, for which there are more pre-built 3rd party packages around.
TypeError: ‘_Callable’ object is not callable
That error occurs when you try to call, with (), an object that is not callable.
A callable object can be a function or a class (that implements call method). According toPython Docs:
TypeError: getPointByBounds() takes exactly 4 arguments (5 given)
def getPointByBounds(lng0, lat0, lng1, lat1, step=0.001) :
应该为def getPointByBounds(self,lng0, lat0, lng1, lat1, step=0.001) :
hangs on ‘scanning files to index’ background task
go to the “File” on the left top, then select “invalidate caches/restart…”, and press “invalidate and restart”.
如通过virtualEnvWarpper创建的env,默认在pycharm中无法选择已有virtualEnv,只能新建,可通过add local手动完成虚拟环境导入File>setting>Project Interpreter>add local>选择virtualEnv\Scripts\python.exe
- svn安装:注意安装路径不能带空格:
- pycharm配置svn:在version contro>svn>command line client设置为C:\Dev\SVN\bin\svn.exe